Spuds Moyogi
There have been some disturbing reports out of the US National Arboretum in the last few weeks that could have some bearing on the Bonsai collection. The Arb.'s director has called for the complete removal of the facilities' azalea collection AND its boxwood collection. The azaleas (planted on 15-20 hilside acres) draw huge crowds in the spring when they're in bloom, which the Arb. claims costs it a fortune for parking, crowd control, wear and tear etc.
This kind of drastic action (and whether its a ploy to get more funding is a good question) could have some bearing on the bonsai collection and its care down the road.
Here's an op-ed piece that ran in Sunday's Washington Post from the National Bonsai Foundation:
This kind of drastic action (and whether its a ploy to get more funding is a good question) could have some bearing on the bonsai collection and its care down the road.
Here's an op-ed piece that ran in Sunday's Washington Post from the National Bonsai Foundation: