Nihonga scroll


Spuds Moyogi
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Fairfax Va.
This is a small scroll with a lightning bug. Still trying to get better shot of entire scroll without losing detail.


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I'm not as familiar with scrolls, but I really like this one. Great colors and a nice serene feeling.

It's bad enough I recently picked up the pot bug - I hope I don't pick up the scroll bug too :eek:
Don't know much about these, is it a woven material??

"It's bad enough I recently picked up the pot bug - I hope I don't pick up the scroll bug too " - Don't forget about viewing stones.:D
Scrolls are not nearly as expensive (or they don't have to be) as pots. I picked this one up for $9...that's NINE dollars...shipping cost me more than the scroll ($20 from Japan). Depends, though, I've gotten lesser quality for double or triple the price...
Here's another one. Image is pretty self explanatory. Not exceptional technique wise, but the subject material was excellent;). I think I outbid Bill Valavanis on this about ten years ago.


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Bill the material that surrounds the image can vary greatly depending upon the "mood" of the image. That material can be simple hand-made paper, rough silk, or refined silk. The surrounding "tanzaku" of hte lightning bug is rough silk and the image itself is painted on silk. Generally you can tell if the painting is on silk if there are sharp lines on the image, as silk holds ink more tightly than paper.
Don't forget about viewing stones.:D

I think if I tried displaying "rocks" in my house, my wife would have me committed or force me to live in the garage. :rolleyes:
What is the name of the style of the scroll in the first pic, looks to be either Fukuro Hyougu or Maru Hyougu by the looks of it? Unless I can see the Ten and the Chi I would not be able to make the determination.

Also, looks to me that the scroll with the human does not have an Ivory jikusaki...but a plastic Jikusaki. A plastic Jikusaki runs about $2.00 including importation costs from Japan. Also, the cheap frame stores these days have converted from using wood to hard cylinder tubes (similar to the cardboard wrapping paper tubes).

If you would like to know there are technical terms for if a painting/calligrapy is done on paper or silk. There is also a distinction between the types of silk. I know of two main types of silk used for the painting and they are not called refined and rough silk.

Any cloth after cut and assembled into the scroll is termed Kireji regardless of the type of material.

The scroll with the crows is one of my favorites, even though it's old and worn.

The second picture is where I've gotten into trouble. It's a Ohara Koson print. Got into collecting Shin Hanga prints after I started getting scrolls...


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"Also, looks to me that the scroll with the human does not have an Ivory jikusaki...but a plastic Jikusaki."

So much for the detail of my new camera :D. They are definitely ivory or bone. And the cylinder is wooden. It is not a new scroll. It is probably made in the 1970's or so.

and as for not knowing the terms for the silk, I apologize. Rough (slub) silk is about as close as I can get to describe it.
My mistake, since it is ivory or bone it is a good thing it is not a painting depicting a Buddhist theme.

Terms for the scrolls are in my book titled "How to Make Handmade Wallscrolls". If you have interest.

BTW: You are one of the few people that have hung and displayed your Fuutai correctly.

I didn't know I had a fuutai :D That it is hanging correctly pleases me.:D

Sorry, couldn't resist. What is a fuutai?
Another one of my summer favorites.


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