Opinions please..I know you have them....


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This Itowaga will get a good thinning out next month. My questions is this, the first picture is the back and the second is the front, but I think picture 1 makes a better front, so what do you think ?

keep it green,


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i like the 2nd for a front... but its hard to tell, as the photo is from above... and you can't see what the trunk line is doing lower down if not at all in the 2nd pic. (i would loike to see one from more head on to really say)
Gorgeous tree, Harry!

I agree - the first photo is by far the more appealing to me. From a "Focal Point Bonsai Design" standpoint (:D), the impressive deadwood facade, with its little swirl at the base, forms a much better focal point than the little dancing leg thingy off to the left on the second photo.

IMHO, of course, (with added emphasis on "H", given our often opposing views - :) )
As much as it pains me to disagree with Will , I find the second shot more interestinng. The large amount of dead wood and the rather straight bottom trunk in the first shot are a littlle boreing ( IIMHO with an even greater emphesis on the H ). Remember though that opinions , especially from beginners like me , are often worth exactly what they cost.
Based on the angle of the images ...I'd go with the second image. The first images base is to bulky and stove pipe like and holds little interest for me....the second images base, while needing some work, I can find interest and makes my eye want to follow the lines.

Now if you get a shot of these trees at eye level ...straigh on and not from above.....I might feel differently. Either way nice tree Harry.
I know it is almost impossible to judge a tree from a picture, here are a couple more, you can see the back of the tree is anything but straight. It curves away from you then it curves back and twists at the same time if you will study picture #3. The reason I don't care for the original front, the deadwood is a little bulky where it twists and makes the tree look top heavy to me.

keep it green,


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I like them both...maybe the original front a little more. Will Marko be doing the work? (I am not one of those who looks down on this by the way, I just wanted to make that clear) If so, then challenge him to make it appealing from both sides.
I too would go with the 2nd image.

The problem on the first is it is rapidly moving away from the viewer toward the top of the tree. To counter this you would have to lean it so far forward you would tend to hide the interesting deadwood base.

Looking at the 2nd image it also seems like you might have 2 trees here, could it be split to remove the right hand branch (would make a nice little tree on its own). Then you would be able to see the base and movement at the bottom of the main tree much better.

Just my rambling thoughts.
Marco will be working on it in April, I'll see which he thinks is the front, after he finishes it, I will post new pictures.

keep it green,
I was thinking like Ian, if you and Marco can bring the top around it might work out. I like it though, and see what you mean about the middle/top section. Will you buff up the lve veins to bring up the color??
I was thinking like Ian, if you and Marco can bring the top around it might work out. I like it though, and see what you mean about the middle/top section. Will you buff up the lve veins to bring up the color??

I'll clean them up a little but that's about all.

keep it green,
Thats ok, either way works for me, I think it comes down to letting the tree tell you.
Harry , I have a solution ! The damn thing would look best in my yard !
IMO the back or 1st picture in the original post looks the best!
Hi Harry, I like the current back more, out of the 2 choices. The nebari on the current front is not so pleasing. In either case, you don't have a good back branch. But, I think there is another possible front, and that's one of the side view, if you could split and move the lowest branch out a little. From the way that trunk spirals, one of the side view would be best I think. I would pick the side view, lean the tree a bit to the right side, then move the main branch to the left. Maybe you could show us the side views. Thanks.
Excellent tree. I'd like to see a shot of the current back rotated quarter turn counter-clockwise and the foliage and trunk given some breathing room.
I wonder harry if there isn't possibly something hiding half way between each of these two fronts..... i see there are great spaces with twists and gnarly branches but I can't see them very well in either front.... have you considered these other two options.... to really realize their potential it may require adjusting the planting angle some as well.......

of course thinner foliage... which i am sure Marco will be doing a lot of will really expose all the wonder that seems to be hiding in those branches...

just some thoughts....
Hello Harry.... I think I might like the back as a front.. The base and trunk seem more interesting. The tree is magnificent from both angles though.

I do have a third option for you... Remember a couple of years ago when I posted a hinoki cypress that I was training and and you replied that you were sorry becasue when you just look a hinoki cypress, they seem to die... Well, it did in fact die... Which is highly unusual because, for the most part, I can't seem to kill a tree even if I try...lol..Apparently, this super hinoki killing power you have works over the internet as well...So, your third option is to give me this fine juniper in its place...

... The reason I don't care for the original front, the deadwood is a little bulky where it twists and makes the tree look top heavy to me...

Deadwood can be reduced, Harry. Get out the Dremel/diegrinder/jackhammer -- your tool of choice, whatever it is -- and trim it down.

I prefer the present front. My biggest reason -- assuming the pic shows this accurately -- is that the apex leans away from the viewer in the rear shot, and looks like it would be fairly difficult to redo.
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