P. Halepensis/Allepo Pine seedling - closed cotyledon, pink or brown needle tips, should I be worried?


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Lancashire, UK
Basically what the title says!

Been growing this little one from seed for a month, when the seed first popped off the needles where flared out (see pic 1) however the next day they had moved into an upright position (see pic 2). I have been hardening off this seedling, however may have done so quite rapidly (3-4 days till full 24/7 exposure I think?), it seems to have survived being left out full-time for a few days now (or has it??)

Just after the seed came off -

The next day -

It now seemed to be closed even more and the needle tips are a pink sort of tinge (see below photo). Hard to photograph (looks more brown on the pic?). It does seem to be pushing out new growth so I’m thinking thats a good thing if its still trying to grow but still would like some reassurance (first ever tree, trying to not get too attached but I’m very proud of it!)

Today -
Not sure if the new growth is also brown tipped? Not the best picture but has the clearest view of it -

I may have sun burned it a bit on it’s second day outside. First day was out for 3h on a cloudy day, second day was 5h and it had maybe 2-3h of direct sun, third was possibly 7h (didn’t keep track it seems) not sure on weather, probably cloudy again and then day 4 I ended up leaving up out from 10am that morning and its been outside ever since again, cloudy day with maybe some sun. Where it is now it gets maybe 6h sun in an afternoon/evening if its a clear day. Temp max of 16-18C so far but meant to hit 21C this weekend.

Should I be worried? I watered it yesterday in case the brown tips where due to possible lack of moisture - the top of the coir didn't look obviously dry but it didn’t feel that wet either (even at the drainage hole). I really struggle to tell when it needs watering, would a moisture meter help, maybe?

Its probably just me worrying over nothing but any reassurance or answers would be appreciated. 🙂
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Why are even baby plants so cute, and bring out the parenting traits in us? Congratulations on your new seedling. I have a mugo pumilio that just popped up. Keep it out of extreme heat, water when needed and I'm sure it will be fine!
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