Progression of an import juniper...


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This thread is the progression of imported Itowgawa I bought from a friend who passed away (Paul Piptone) one of the good guys. I bought it from the first picture, because that's the way I have to buy all my trees. The second picture is after it lived with me throught the first year. The third picture is me and some hack, I'm the good looking one on the right. the styling took 8 hours. The last picture I took this morning. Spring is just around the corner here in Oklahoma, so the tree will need a haircut and a reppoting, if you will look at the roots in the second picture they are part of the nebari and the last picture the tree is pushing itself out of the pot. We are not through working on the Jin and Shari, so the tree should improve some this spring when Marco works on it some more. There are a number of reasons I like Marco and could right a page explaining them, but the main reason I like Marco working on my trees, he was trained by Kimura in the traditional Japanese style and that's what I prefer.
P.S. If this threads starts an argument I'm through !!!


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This thread is the progression of imported Itowgawa I bought from a friend who passed away (Paul Piptone) one of the good guys. I bought it from the first picture, because that's the way I have to buy all my trees. The second picture is after it lived with me throught the first year. The third picture is me and some hack, I'm the good looking one on the right. the styling took 8 hours. The last picture I took this morning. Spring is just around the corner here in Oklahoma, so the tree will need a haircut and a reppoting, if you will look at the roots in the second picture they are part of the nebari and the last picture the tree is pushing itself out of the pot. We are not through working on the Jin and Shari, so the tree should improve some this spring when Marco works on it some more. Suggestions or coments are always welcome.

Harry P.S. If this threads starts an argument I'm through !!!

Lovely tree Harry ... and you ( the guy on the right lol) look great.


Why do we have to have foreign material---foreign designer? Can't we use native trees and home grown designers / masters?

Why do we need all this foreign stuff?

P.S. If this threads starts an argument I'm through !!!

Just kidding Harry------LOL
Why do we have to have foreign material---foreign designer? Can't we use native trees and home grown designers / masters?

Why do we need all this foreign stuff?

Okay, Bubba ya got me good. Paybacks are hell. :-)

Well Harry , you know where to send it when you get tired of it.

BTW , who's the ugly old fart with you in the pic ?
Well Harry , you know where to send it when you get tired of it.

BTW , who's the ugly old fart with you in the pic ?

Some old retired fart I hired to pick up after me, fetch me stuff and find me women :-)

I love this tree. You've got the best trees of anyone who posts. You should start writing articles. You've got the trees to back up your opinions and viewpoints.
Thanks for the complement, but I'm far from having the best trees. I have a few nice trees, but don't forget a gentleman named Walter.

Thanks for the complement, but I'm far from having the best trees. I have a few nice trees, but don't forget a gentleman named Walter.


Harry, where I come from,the mountains, if someone calls me a gentleman he is evilminded. Is this not the same in your neck of the world? :p

On another forum they called me 'jerk'. Now this would be more appropriate for this forum here.

Feels like we are all in a bar close to midnight. Most are half drunk. Some are full drunk, some are stoned. And all mutter strange things and nobody listens to what was said.

Now Harrry calls me 'gentleman' in this bar!! This is like asking 'do you want a glass to your beer?' Close to an insult.
Harry, where I come from,the mountains, if someone calls me a gentleman he is evilminded. Is this not the same in your neck of the world? :p

On another forum they called me 'jerk'. Now this would be more appropriate for this forum here.

Feels like we are all in a bar close to midnight. Most are half drunk. Some are full drunk, some are stoned. And all mutter strange things and nobody listens to what was said.

Now Harrry calls me 'gentleman' in this bar!! This is like asking 'do you want a glass to your beer?' Close to an insult.

Okay, Walter, in my neck of the woods you are a "Stand up guy" This can be an evil place if you are thinned skinned, but you never lose you cool and always have the right thing to say and have one of the best collections of bonsai I've ever seen and you are willing to share them with us for free.

Incredible tree, Harry. Do you know how many years Mr. Piptone worked it?
Incredible tree, Harry. Do you know how many years Mr. Piptone worked it?

Paul never worked on it, what he did do was every year he would go to a wholesale nursery in California when importing was legal, send pictures of the trees for sale while he was there and let me pick out what I wanted. he would mark it up some to help his pay his expences, I wasn't the only one who bought from him every year, but he was fair with his prices and I could buy from home. Paul was a lawyer and by strange coincidence most of the trees I buy now come from a lawyer that deals somewhat similar to Paul, Paul was a straight shooter and so is Don.

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Why do we have to have foreign material---foreign designer? Can't we use native trees and home grown designers / masters?

Why do we need all this foreign stuff?

Okay, Bubba ya got me good. Paybacks are hell. :-)



Just could not pass that up.........

Walter has great trees but so do you..........
Hey Harry,

Thanks for posting this juniper, its a very nice tree. I really like the work you and Marco did on it and think it was a great first step in making it a great treee. I like the jins and the one coming out of the apex is great! This is an excellent tree.

I look forward to seeing what you guys do next..... oh, next time Marco is around your niece maybe you should make him wear a shock collar :)

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boy 'o boy, what are feeding this guy. That's several years worth of growth in my backyard. Either I need to feed more or move my trees several hundred of miles south
Hey Harry,

Thanks for posting this juniper, its a very nice tree. I really like the work you and Marco did on it and think it was a great first step in making it a great treee. I like the jins and the one coming out of the apex is great! This is an excellent tree.

I look forward to seeing what you guys do next..... oh, next time Marco is around your niece maybe you should make him wear a shock collar :)

I slip stuff in his coffee, probably never happened to him before. :-)

boy 'o boy, what are feeding this guy. That's several years worth of growth in my backyard. Either I need to feed more or move my trees several hundred of miles south

Hey Monk, We have a lot longer growing season down here and the kind of weather junipers like, that explains why I like them so well. Fertlize them, water them and keep the spider mites off of them and you can get pretty good results. never pinch the foliage, use sissors to trim the stem. The growth you see in the last picture is two years old. the summer after Marco styled it and last summer. Marco was disappointed, he thought it should have grown more, but you can never please Marco 100%

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Monk, here's what I mean. The weather forcast for next week.



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