
  1. M

    When and how do I find trunk base - pine nursery stocks

    Hi all- first time posting here. A novice on pines and bonsai in general and based in the north of England. I have several Scots and mugo pines trees from local nursery- 10-15 years old. The trunk base seemed to be buried in the pot but sure how deep. Is it safe to dig in a couple of inches...
  2. palafr01

    Palafr01's p. Densiflora globosa

    Here with a new tree and ready to document its progress. Purchased it last month and did a light repot before the seasons close. While not the ideal time, I was worried about potential root rot since my area gets significant rain both in early fall and in late winter and I have lost trees...
  3. LunaticTree

    Pinus Cembra

    Hello, I wanted to update you all on my little Nurserystock I so happened to get the last few years! I got my hands on a few Pinus Cembra from a local nursery that gives them away for 10€ each. Was hard to resist not to get all of them! So I picked a few that I liked and let them stay in the...
  4. JamesBondsai

    1yr old Pinus Mugo Pumilio - Help!

    Please help ☺️ Hello all, I'm very new to the world of Bonsai and have been growing a Pinus Mugo Pumilio from the seed. I've got a 1yr old seedling and I'm looking for guidance. (I'm located in Southern England, for seasonal reference). I planted it towards the end of Autumn 2020 and simulated...
  5. Kadebe

    Pinus Sylvestris in rock

    I acquired this pinus two weeks ago. The owner could not say exactly what species it was. On another forum, some say that this was a mugo, but most were of the opinion that this is a sylvestris. The slate is 80 cm long. The large dome has a width of 50 cm. The height measures 54 cm. The...
  6. S

    Making bonsai from bought Bosnian pine (Pinus heldreichii)

    Hi everyone, This is my first post and my first experience with bonsai. I recently bought a Bosnian pine (Pinus heldreichii) and would like to style this to make a bonsai tree. I live in Stockholm, Sweden and came to the conclusion I am in "hardiness" zone 7 according to...
  7. S

    Bad decisions pruning a Scots pine, any hope?

    Hi all, I am a bit new to bonsai, but I have a few trees I am proud of. Today I got a Scots pine that would be the biggest one I've worked on yet. I got a bit overzealous removing branches and am having a bit of remorse about it. I don't think there is an obvious choice for a leader left at...
  8. Big Country Bonsai

    Afghan pine trunk chop

    I think I have found two threads that’s discuss the Afghan pine in regards to using it as a bonsai subject. The info is mixed so I guess working this tree is going to be more trial and error than anything. If anyone has anymore recent info on them I’d appreciate it. Some have said it is a one...
  9. GreatLakesBrad

    Collected (rescued) Pinus Resinosa

    Via Facebook marketplace, saw a post for logging/clear cutting of 2 acres nearby of Red Pine (Pinus resinosa). While I already have 2 collected from this spring, figured I ought to ask if there were any rescue-able candidates. Permission granted before clear cutting in a few weeks. Grabbed one...
  10. Big Country Bonsai

    Help with ID and should I buy

    I am interested in buying this pine that the owner thinks is a Japanese black pine. The only thing is that he planted some red and white pines at the same time and he’s not entirely sure which ones were which. Do you guys think it’s a black pine and is it worth buying?
  11. A

    how much can seeds of one species vary? help needed...

    Hi everyone, I just joined bonsai nut because I need your experienced help. I bought pinus parviflora and prunus serrulata seeds, among others, over the last couple months. I bought several bags from different suppliers and I'm very confused, because they vary greatly in size and shape. So much...
  12. parhamr

    Pinus contorta var murrayana progression

    I obtained this tree in 2014 and I'm progression from upright to slanted. It is the Cascade Range subspecies of the Lodgepole Pine. I have a trunk notch started with the intent of folding it over on that line. That styling would turn it into a mashed and contorted mountain tree. This will not...
  13. parhamr

    So, I guess I'm doing a JBP-in-colander study…

    I have recently acquired 26 Japanese Black Pine seedlings and 15 colanders. The seedlings are from Weyerhaeuser and Forest Farm. The colanders are 10" plastic "wash baskets" from Amazon. Jonas Dupuich is inspiring and I hope to replicate these results...
  14. parhamr

    JPB development

    I bought this Japanese Black Pine at the 2016 Bonsai Society of Portland Fall Show. It went to the oral auction and I got it for $165. I'll be cataloging its development in this thread. Here it is today with a 12 oz can for scale Close up of the exciting basal flare and lichen I need to...
  15. parhamr

    Pinus sylvestris 'Glauca nana' project

    Today I bought a 3" trunk diameter Dwarf Blue Scots Pine nursery tree. This will be a long term project and it is my first Scots. I suspect this is grafted but I have yet to see an obvious union mark. I did a tiny bit of digging around the trunk and found field soil with some fine feeder...
  16. parhamr

    Pinus contorta contorta (Shore pine)

    I've purchased another native North American nursery specimen: a Pinus contorta contorta 'Spaan’s Dwarf' cultivar. I was feeling like taking a bit of a risk with my wallet and tools; it cost $84.99 for a specimen with 2.5" trunk diameter, 24" height, and healthy roots that fill a ~5 gallon...
  17. Virginia Pine

    Virginia Pine

    A clump windswept Virginia Pine. I wonder if clump windswept is a catagory ;)
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