
  1. M

    Help with Juniper!

    I have a 70 year old shimpaku juniper that I have taken care of over the past 3 years. I recently moved from Georgia to Sacramento, CA and the tree suffered a serious hit from the move likely from my packaging and heat. I had watered the plant thoroughly and wrapped the soil/pot in plastic and...
  2. SmallTreeGuy

    Places to buy Pines for Niwaki

    Hello all! I hope this is an ok place to ask this, but I am wondering if any of you fine folks know of any recommendations of places online (or in person) to buy larger ornamental trees for the landscape (specifically pine) suitable for Niwaki. I live in zone 8b, more specifically, Dallas...
  3. goth_gardener

    Potting mix/Care for large Weeping Maple bonsai

    Hello nuts ! I rescued this beautiful maple tree on sale from my local nursery today and am curious about doing a larger bonsai situation in this pot… here is the tree resting on some previous potting soil in the container (will be acid loving later ofc), a larger pic of location just for fun...
  4. M

    Collected Buttonwood from Florida

    Hi all! Just wanted to send some pics of a buttonwood I found. Styling suggestions/virts always welcome! The tree is budding everywhere, I’m really excited to see where it goes.
  5. V

    Painting inside of bonsai pots

    Been stusying Bonsai for 4 months now. I have 8 indoor trees and plan on creating bonsai pots of my own, using cement. I see videos on youtube of people making them with molds and wiring. At the end they paint them of course. The inside of the pot as well. I keep wondering what kind of paint...
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  7. M

    Yamadori Chinese Elm

    Dug up this chinese elm from the woods in Central Florida today. Here’s the plan with it: What do y’all think?
  8. TurtleSquisher

    Until the DAWN of time

    Haha hi friends~ These are my beautiful Dawns I just received about 2 days ago and I am in love. They definitely need lots of clean-up and work done to them, but the potential of these guys really blows me away. Let me know if you have any type of feedback please, I encourage it. Here are my...
  9. TurtleSquisher

    My lovely elm

    I just love how old looking, but small this thing is. His name is... Raffiki.
  10. M

    Chinese Elm vs Drake Elm?

    Hello all, I live in central Florida and throughout my years living here, I’ve noticed an abundance of Chinese elm trees in landscapes and in the wild. The trees have the orange flaky iconic bark that Chinese elms possess and the small leathery elm leaves. The trees max out at about 30 feet...
  11. M

    Acer Rubrum Fertilizing/Potting Mix??

    Does anyone have any advice on fertilizing a red maple/swamp maple yamadori bonsai? Like what type of fertilizer to use and how often to use it? Brand names are very helpful. The tree is most likely 25-30 years old. Also what soil mixture would you guys recommend? I’m seeing various...
  12. M

    New Forest-dug Acer Rubrum/Red Maple/Swamp Maple

    Check out this beautiful Red Maple I just dug from the swamp. Stunning nebari and a leader branch already set in for me. Can’t wait to see where this goes! Trunk is about 6 inches wide at the base. Tips on styling are always welcome. Especially regarding those big cuts!
  13. M

    Juniper Help

    Hey guys. I recently found what I believe is a red cedar aka eastern juniper in the woods in florida and I dug it out because it had nice features. I should’ve done more research on juniper before I drastically pruned it, because it turns out that juniper does not back bud on branches if...
  14. M

    Dug Up Wisteria

    Hi everyone. I just dug up this wisteria that my neighbor didn’t want. It’s very fat for a vine, but quite ugly. It’s about 8 inches wide at the base. Any styling suggestions? Should I just throw it out?
  15. M

    Azalea style suggestions

    Hello, I have an azalea stump that I’m going to be transforming into bonsai. Pictured below is my desired front: Given that this is the front of the future bonsai, what styles would you guys recommend for me? I am not creative at all and I will not be able to create a beautiful tree...
  16. M

    Bonsai Back View: Important?

    Hey friends. I’m curious what you guys’ opinions are as to how good the backside of a bonsai trunk looks. Does it matter or does it not? Can an ugly trunk backside just be hidden by branches and foliage over time? or does it take away from the value of the tree? For example, I have this...
  17. M

    Crepe Myrtle Styling Help

    Ripped out this crepe myrtle earlier in the summer that was unwanted but I have no idea what to do with it. I can’t seem to find any kind of structure fitting for a bonsai. If I just chop off all the top and leave a fat stump I’d be waiting 15 years for a decent sized new leader to come in...
  18. M

    Azalea problem

    Hey guys. I have a satsuki shrub that I’ve been wanting to chop into a bonsai for awhile and I have a general idea as to what shape I’m trying to achieve and everything, but I’m having an issue with timing. I live in zone 9a and people I’ve asked have advised me to not chop until january or...
  19. M

    American Beech Yamadori

    Hey friends, I recently dug up this very interesting American Beech from the forests of West Virginia. I thought it had very interesting and beautiful features. i am not experienced with deadwood or much wiring though, and I don’t know if it has potential. What do you guys think? worth it...
  20. M

    Crepe Myrtle: Decisions

    Hello friends. I dug up this young purple crepe myrtle from a friend’s yard that they didn’t want. It’s relatively long and skinny for bonsai so I’m deciding whether or not to chop off the majority of the top. My plan is pictured below. Seem like a good idea? What would you guys do?
  21. M

    Crepe Myrtle: Potential or No Potential?

    Hi all, In our landscape, there was this crepe myrtle that my parents wanted to get rid of and I figured: why not use it for bonsai. I am relatively new to bonsai and would like to know if this is usable material. The leaves on this variety are very small and glossy and the flowers are red...
  22. M

    Where to buy Satsuki?

    Hello friends, I have recently gained interest in having an azalea bonsai but I am stuck as to where I can find mature and thick trees to make one out of - particularly satsuki. I cannot find a single large, mature satsuki online that’s not already a bonsai and isn’t small. Does anyone know...
  23. J

    Unknown shohin tree

    Hello there everyone, this Februarya friend of mine gave me this little tree. We don’t know what it’s called as he found it in his garden. It look like a pretty interesting tree to me. I think i would like to develop it as a small shohin bonsai. I’d like to ask if anyone knows what tree it is...
  24. D

    inherited 20 year old natal plum bonsai

    Hello I'm new here. Also english isn't my first language so ignore spelling mistakes. I inherited a around 20 - 25 year old natal plum bonsai but never had bonsai before so no idea what to do with it. It's around 1,10m tall (with pot) and been pruned I think it's called last winter. Currently...
  25. O

    Dying Seedlings - Please Help

    Hi. This (pine?) seedling has been growing since late April but recently the tips have started to turn brown. This is also the case with the smaller (birch?) seedling whose leaves are also turning brown after sprouting a few weeks ago. Please can someone identify the seedlings and let me know...
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