Kennett Collection Reduction sale

thanks for fact checking me. I knew he had/has shown, I just didn't know if he was the ONLY American. Nice to see he isn't. Who was the first, do you know?

I believe it was John Naka but I could be wrong.
I believe it was John Naka but I could be wrong.

I spent twenty minutes and can't confirm that Nama ever showed a tree. I saw he showed stones at a few exhibitions. The search continues to see who was the first American. I found 3 other forum posts about Doug Paul entering for the first time--his japanese hemlock. In those posts they were calling him the first. Possibly as misinformed as me though. Another exciting bit from my search. Matt ouiwinga entered a trident ror into the exhibition. That's pretty cool.
Hey,does anyone know the azalea type that is offered.The ones that are under 200 ? Are they satsuki.I read that they are good down to 19 degrees as bonsai.
Hey,does anyone know the azalea type that is offered.The ones that are under 200 ? Are they satsuki.I read that they are good down to 19 degrees as bonsai.

Or perhaps I would rather them be deciduous azalea.
Dave...You driving or flying up....? Maybe we need to rent a bus....LOL I wonder if I can bring a tree on a Greyhound....?


This is hilarious. Holy cow
So who else is broke? What a great time, hope everyone got something they wanted. :]
The fact that I didn't know about it until today... is the only reason I'm not posting. lol I'd have flown out for that. geeze. :(
It was a great event!
Well organized with cheap prices although cold in the morning.
About 200 people purchased nearly every tree, at least the good,ones in only an hour and a half.
Tomorrow will only be open until 1 pm.
Not open on Sunday.
Thanks to Doug Paul and his staff for providing excellent trees at prices less than Japan.
Fair event! Good to see friends, many BNUTTERS in attendance. I enjoyed myself and pulled off a good pair of trees. Bill is not kidding I was shivering...Extremely cold...As the man said nearly every tree sold before 1pm.
Fair event! Good to see friends, many BNUTTERS in attendance. I enjoyed myself and pulled off a good pair of trees. Bill is not kidding I was shivering...Extremely cold...As the man said nearly every tree sold before 1pm.

glad you decided to go. Now post your trees for the rest of us to be envious :)
Pictures do no justice to the trees we bought. Amazing fun didn't hurt I was 12th person in.

Here are a few pictures I snapped of today...This is only a small fraction of what was available...Everything sold for the most part...


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More pictures

My understanding is the TWIN TRUNK was the FIRST tag pulled. My dream tree. God bless the lucky buyer!!! Freakish in person...Sorry for duplication photo on last pic...


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DONE :) See above

Thanks CHUCHIN for the pics! All in all it was a great day and fun event! I was able to snag a superb Japanese white beech forest thanks to the kindness of CHUCHIN himself! Thanks again bud! Great seeing you there! :eek:
Thanks for the photos! Would have been nice to be able to get down there but it wasn't meant to be.

So how did the whole thing work? Were people limited to how long they could stay, or to how many trees they could purchase?

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