Mendocino cypress

I love the story Chris!
Where did you acquire this one Chris?
Nice wiring job Chris! I can just see you now sitting their and Boon checking back ;) This bit of your history made me laugh. Thanks Chris I needed that :)

A Friend in bonsai
Great story Chris, now I know why Boon recommends Jim's wire :).

His "treeside manner" has gotten softer the longer he has been away from Japan , but excellence is the expectation.
I think a tough teacher is a great thing as long as it is done with good intentions. There is no gray area you know when you've screwed the pooch and the high you get when praise is expressed is wonderful. I hope he doesn't go to soft on his tree side manner. My experience and feelings are that more than a few teachers today really don't tell you the way it is. Being afraid that they will piss off and lose a paying customer.
I met Boon at the PNBCA convention last weekend and observed his workshops. I recall a moment..someone was wiring their tree and waiting for Boon to come around and check on it, well someone said you better redo that or Boon will tell you to cut it off and redo it... I think it was Jason.

I really enjoyed meeting Boon and even though I just observed his workshops I learned more than I could ever imagine. He is quite fun to be around and is not afraid to tell you how it is. If it is wrong then he will tell you.
Good story Chris. I am sure everyone that has worked with Boon has had a similar experience. The one thing that everyone should know, is that though he is tough and demanding, he is always smiling and having a good time - which is infectious and in many ways makes the additional work enjoyable.
Good story Chris, As Imholte points out, this past week was the Pacific NW convention held by the Portland club. I was asked to assist Boon in a Ponderosa workshop. It was a perfect fit, The trees came from us, I work a lot on Ponderosa and Boon and I get along. So I jumped at the chance to assist "the Man" in a workshop. Of all the workshops of the weekend this one by far had the most observers of any of them.

Knowing Boons strict appreciation for the fine art of wirring I was a bit reluctant to offer any advice on wiring for the participants. So, I helped a guy wire who was struggeling, I wired 2 branches and here comes Boon...... all I could think was "Oh crap, I am going to have to cut wire off" (I knew it wasn't perfect but I didn't think it was horrible either)........ First thing he does is come over and ask "Who wired this?" I grab the collar of my shirt and slightly put my head down and mutter out "I did". "Did you not learn anything before" he says to me...... By this time I was feeling about 10" tall since I had all these people watching and hearing every word.. So off comes the wire and and time to start over....

So, Boon is very tough on wiring, and even tougher on his intensive students like Chris, and I too will learn in an intensive next year. I have to take one and learn to wire from him, its that simple. Not that I don't know how too but I am no where near an artist when it comes to this...

And like imholte points out, after my little mishap there, I told others, "that won't work so cut it off and redo it or Boon will make you cut it off when he gets over here" Ah, the fun of learning!!!

My little Boon story for the day... :)

The day before the Ponderosa workshop there was a Joe Harris Procumbens workshop that Jason was also assisting on. Boon's workshop was done and Joe's was running long. Jason was assisting the wiring of one participant (which is when Imholte heard Jason's comment) and I sat down in the chair of one participant that picked up and left - but left his tree behind.

In comes Boon and Joe instructs him to wire the tree. Boon sits down, wires a branch or two, makes some small talk, cracks some jokes and is off to lunch. Jason leans over and goes... Hey, he crossed some wires! Get him back here to cut those off!!!
Wow, did the guy pay for the tree and the workshop and then just bolt? Did he eventually come back for the tree?

Yes, he did come back - to the surprise of the tree being worked. He looked at the crossed wires and asked for a discount on the workshop fee...:p
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