I recently acquired this pine and I'm trying to figure out best plan here for long term styling. I have ideas, but my ideas and what might be best could be two different things.
So to start, my long term goal would be to increase the trunk size to at least 3". It's about 2" right now. I'm planning to repot it in a pond basket here in the next week or so. It has decent movement, but I could use advice for long term styling. I'm not planning on doing anything other than bud selection and letting it grow freely for the next year. I'm thinking towards the top using the top section as the sacrificial portion. I'm not sure whether to bud select that section or not or if it's better to choose a different leader. I've circled the section in red I'm planning to grow as the sacrificial. The portion circled in blue was the idea for the next leader for trunk line. I was planning to add movement to the left branch and the new leader with wire come winter time.
Does this plan sound like a decent plan? I'd love any suggestions! I'm just trying to do everything from completely ruining this tree.
So to start, my long term goal would be to increase the trunk size to at least 3". It's about 2" right now. I'm planning to repot it in a pond basket here in the next week or so. It has decent movement, but I could use advice for long term styling. I'm not planning on doing anything other than bud selection and letting it grow freely for the next year. I'm thinking towards the top using the top section as the sacrificial portion. I'm not sure whether to bud select that section or not or if it's better to choose a different leader. I've circled the section in red I'm planning to grow as the sacrificial. The portion circled in blue was the idea for the next leader for trunk line. I was planning to add movement to the left branch and the new leader with wire come winter time.
Does this plan sound like a decent plan? I'd love any suggestions! I'm just trying to do everything from completely ruining this tree.