Sumo Ficus Nerifolia


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Northern Ky
This tree has very good proportions. 9" nebari & 9-1/2" tall. I cut back to the main branch structure last summer, let it grow out until June 2009 and defoliated on Father's Day. I need a better pot for it but it will be a nice tree when it leafs back out and is repotted. I purchased this tree in 2000 for $25 and it was a twin trunk about 3' tall with a great base. I cut off both trunks and have been letting it grow out and cutting back hard to allow the scars to heal. The left scar is 95% gone, while the back scar still has about 40% to go.



  • Ficus Nerifolia 2009.jpg
    Ficus Nerifolia 2009.jpg
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Nice tree Tom, especially for a Kentucky tree. You must give it a lot of TLC during the winter.

Bob, Actually it takes very little care during the winter. I keep it in a heated garage under lights that are set to run about 14 hours a day. Normally the temperature goes down to about 60 at night and up to 67 during the day. The lighting situation may change this winter though. The company I work for just recently bought an electrical service company and all of their stock. As I was looking at the boxes and boxes of leftover material from earlier jobs, I came across cases of bulbs and light fixtures, some of these were metal halide. I need to do some research into the different lights that are better for bonsai and can probably use some of these. I used to grow buttonwoods but they would struggle during the winter. I should have used some bottom heat and better lighting which I'm sure will benefit the nerifolia.

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