Bonsai Mirai Website

盆栽+未来=Future of Bonsai

I found it interesting that they would utilize Mirai, rather than the more common term Shourai...
Must have a long term vision for this.

If your computer can not read Japanese Sorry.
Probably due to the fact that he is pretty young, and has been tapped as the future of bonsai in the US. Hopefully this doesn't put too much pressure on the young man. Have had a couple of our club members that have worked with him say that he is very good.
Does anyone know off-the-bat whether or not he's going to be selling bonsai stock online to be shipped? I remember with oregon Bonsai they had terrific stock at decent prices, but when I tried to order they stopped internet sales.
Who is going to be the future of D-trees and forests? All I see are conifers on that page.
Who is going to be the future of D-trees and forests? All I see are conifers on that page.
Don't worry. Our study group works with Ryan 2-3 times a year and last October he helped us with our oaks in addition to pines and junipers and they turned out amazingly good..
Ryan is great. I highly recommend that if you have the opportunity to work with him you don't miss out.
盆栽+未来=Future of Bonsai

I found it interesting that they would utilize Mirai, rather than the more common term Shourai...
Must have a long term vision for this.
I don't think so. There is a slight difference of meaning between shorai and mirai. Mirai is future in a more abstract way.That is why you say miraikei for future tense and not shoraikei. So here mirai seems the good choice to me. For the future of one particular bonsai, one would rather use shorai.
I don't think so. There is a slight difference of meaning between shorai and mirai. Mirai is future in a more abstract way.That is why you say miraikei for future tense and not shoraikei. So here mirai seems the good choice to me. For the future of one particular bonsai, one would rather use shorai.

Thank you for the 'long-term' explanation on the difference between the two uses of future. I thought it was "interesting" as to their long-term vision...
Mirai 未来 【みらい】 (n,adj-no) (1) the future (usually distant); (2) future tense; (3) the world to come;
将来 【しょうらい】 (n-adv,n-t) future (usually near); prospects

When seminarians get together they have such "discussions" regarding proper translation of Greek and Hebrew texts. These things are fun for folks that are interested in linguistic exegesis. However, this thread is about an exciting development in the bonsai world not linguistics. So back on topic we go (hopefully).

Great to see you posting Alain! Good to know they chose the right word for the website after all. ;-)

BTW: Could you make a thread about your software if you are still developing it?
Perhaps someone who knows Ryan can ask what he intended? It would be interesting to hear from him, regardless.
I am extremely excited to see Ryan back in the U.S. It seems like more and more American's are going over to Japan to study with a master and coming back to the U.S. I know of 2 that will likely be leaving this year. Besides from Ryan's outstanding Bonsai credentials, from hearing him speak and from this website I can tell he is a Leader(not that we don't have a few already). The future is bright for Bonsai in the U.S. and I'm ready for the ride!
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It is amazing to see how a young man like Ryan Neil is so committed to the art. Did he spent 6 years with Kimura? Considering how hard the Japanese work ethic is, that must have been pretty intense work for an apprentice. Hats off to him!
His new website Mirai is fantastic! The trees in the training gallery are just mind blowing. He brought a real Japanese style to those Oregon trees! I can see why he chose to set up shop in Oregon.
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how does one go about finding a master to apprentice? i have been scouring the web trying to find a school but to no avail. when i mean school i mean everyday not once a month classes. is there anyone in the u.s. that will take on students?
Good question, Dan Kone. Mark Fields tried to get something set up in Indianapolis with Danny Use, but didn't get enough responses. Boon Manakitivipart offers "intensives" at his studio, and many people who have taken those have found them very helpful.

But I'm not sure either of those would be the sort of thing you're interested in, if I understand your post correctly.

Best thing I have personally found, to date, are the on-line Study Groups at Bonsai Vault.
Dan, at Telperion Farms there is an intern program for people to experience all aspects of growing bonsai. There are people that come from most all parts of the country. Space is limited to 2 at any given time. Duration of stay is dependant of each ones personal schedule. It is offered 3 times yearly, spring summer and fall. I'm not sure what's available this spring.
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