Golden State Bonsai Federation Convention 2009

Bonsai Nut

Nuttier than your average Nut
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Charlotte area, North Carolina
Thank goodness this convention is coming back to Southern California :) I will definitely be there and look forward to seeing many of you there as well!

GSBF Convention XXXII
Riverside, CA
November 5-8, 2009
I'll be there, not sure when though as work is tying me in knots right now:(

Probably will make it on Saturday - fingers crossed.
It should be fun. I'll be there probably Friday and Saturday, but I will also take the Yuha desert stone collecting trip on Wednesday. I've heard a lot about that place, and I am just aching to see it myself.
I will be there Sat and Sun. Very much looking forward to it!
It's too bad because I can't come:mad:
I'll be there, not sure when though as work is tying me in knots right now:(

Probably will make it on Saturday - fingers crossed.

Hi Ian, I noticed you are in Lake Forest! Me too! If you are interested, we can ride together to the convention on Saturday (11/7). I have a big van, so we will have plenty of room for trees and people. This invite is open to everybody here from South Orange County area who may want a free ride to Riverside too. I will definitely go to the convention on Saturday, and maybe again on Sunday (the deals are usually much better on the last day. ;)).

Too bad you can't make it there Bonhe! I was hoping to stop by and checkout your trees on that weekend.

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Hi Neighbour:D That would be great, I need to get some local bonsai buddies. I'm starting to miss the guys back east (well all except Tom anyway:p).

I'll send you a PM with contact info so we can get this arranged.
Hi Si, remember to bring camera with you. Bonhe

Hi Neighbour:D That would be great, I need to get some local bonsai buddies. I'm starting to miss the guys back east (well all except Tom anyway:p).

I'll send you a PM with contact info so we can get this arranged.

Hi Ian! OK Buddy! I could use some help with my trees! I'll PM you later this week. Let's see if we get any more riders to the convention.

To Bonhe, I will try to take good pictures this time. Just for you buddy!
I'll be there Thursday - Saturday. Gotta leave early Sunday to make the drive home.
Hi Ian! OK Buddy! I could use some help with my trees! I'll PM you later this week. Let's see if we get any more riders to the convention.

To Bonhe, I will try to take good pictures this time. Just for you buddy!
Thanks Si. Bonhe
I'll be flying in Thursday and out Sunday. My main purpose is to photograph and write up Dan Robinson's thirty year encore demo Saturday, re-working the same Hollywood juniper that earned him such infamy and got him banished from SoCal in 1979 at the "Chain Saw Massacre": it will form a short epilogue at the end of the book (due out next year!).

Besides Dan and his wife, Vic and Eric will be there as his workshop and demo assistants. If there are any of you left here that I haven't totally alienated by now, it'll be great to meet you. :D
ICHIBAN is one of the main sponsor of the GSBF congress, please join this great event, support GSBF and you wont miss the chance to own your super glamorus ICHIBAN goodie bag!

Marco Invernizzi
Packing now....

Donation stand in the truck....

Tool bag in the truck.....(never know when I may be called to style in the district styling contest)

Ice chest in the truck....

Money in the wallet.....

Leaving at 4AM...called benny Kim at Kim's bonsai in the desert....Meeting him at 9AM for focused perusal of the grounds and any cool junipers I may buy.

Victrinia...I'm all tingly about that hug

More tingly about the Ichiban goodie bag.

See ya all tomorrow, Al
We had a great trip on Wednesday to the Yuha desert. The place has good potential for top suiseki and landscape stones. Now that I know the place, I will definitely make some more visits. I almost got a real good hut stone. Allmost but no cigar. I just need to get a portable GPS, since the place is huge.
Thanks Cindy, and I will send you the picture of the Sidewinder tonight (I will also post it here, as soon as I can download it). I almost stepped on the rattler, it is so camouflaged that you can look directly at it from a foot and not see it.
Initial impressions on the show (though Thursday is an early day)...

(1) It felt small, though that is not always bad. I was expecting more vendors and a larger exhibition hall. On the good side, it felt like everyone there knew at least one other person at the show.

(2) The exhibition was limited to perhaps 20 trees, and they were all large. All trees were excellent, but I would have liked to have seen more trees and perhaps different categories of trees. Half the trees were California Junipers - again, excellent trees - but very few (if any) white pines, red pines, japanese maples, etc. The displays were (in my opinion) much too low. They are supposed to be high enough that eye level is the middle of the height of the tree. For some of the trees I had to get down on my knees to view them from the front.

(3) I think it was focused entirely on the hard-core bonsai enthusiast. I saw very few members of the general public. This is a shame, because I used to feel at the Midwest Bonsai Society show we would always end the show with at least 5 or 6 new bonsai enthusiasts who were interested in joining the club.

(4) Holding the workshops outside was excellent. Weather couldn't have been nicer.

I thought the redwood was the most impressive tree, technically, in the exhibition. An innovative, impressionistic design. I don't normally like redwood bonsai but that tree stopped me in my tracks.
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